Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Evidence of our Asian Father

I have a theory that we were raised by an asian father. Asian on the inside, at least.

Although there was the story that made him so mad. He was a resident or in medical school and was so tired from being up how many hours but kept working through it all. The patient dad was tending looked up at him and called him a derogatory name for a Chinese person.

Squinty eyes, how many of us got them?

There's the other time when Carl was graduating from UCLA and we went out to eat with his friend of Chinese descent and her family. We'll be darned if our dad and her dad didn't look like brothers! They were the same height and had the same eyes. We even took a picture. Since I don't have that one, I do have this one as evidence of our asian heritage:

Can't tell what it is he's pointing at?
A Sun Dial.

The biggest one in all of someplace someplace located in Salzburg, Austria. In Fall of 05, he, Madeline, and I went to Austria, Slovakia, and Czech Republic, and this sun dial was one of his favorite sites we visited. We walked all over the city trying to find it because the guidebook mentioned a sun dial. We passed it several times before one of us caught on. So here it is, folks, the much sought out sun dial! It's, um, made of metal? The shops around it are pretty?

And who doesn't remember dad trying to tell the time of the day by moving his hands up in the sky from the point of the sun to somewhere coming up with some hour?


  1. You should mention a few other reasons why he's an honorary Asian.

    He's smart and Ivy League educated.
    He will go to great lengths to save a cent.
    He loves to take pictures and makes us say "cheese."
    He wears bright colors (think fleece).
    He can play lots on instruments really well.
    He's pretty quiet.
    He wants his kids to sit quietly.
    He hates the messes pets make and pretty much hates pets.


  2. I was walking on the track and saw a 60's asian man exercising, my heart naturally felt connected. At the end I couldn't resist and I went up, "You remind me so much of my dad." I'm sure he thought,"????"
