Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"To bed, to bed" said Sleepy Head...

"Let's wait awhile," said Slow.
"Put on the pot," said Hungry Boy.
"Let's eat before we go."

  • reading scriptures, always 5 versus at a time (You didn't have the book in front of you, so I could never understand how you magically knew the words we'd stumble on.)
  • skipping the "begat"s, "Isaiah," and some wars (What a nice dad!)
  • tickle spider
  • wrapped like a burrito
  • saying prayers underneath you and trying to escape afterward
  • losing your pen or your glasses from the front pocket of your shirt after tucking us in
  • Raspberries
  • kisses from your rough, unshaven face
  • Why does Carl get to stay up later?
  • waking me up to go to the bathroom so I wouldn't wet the bed

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